Many years ago, I helped TJ build Koa. It has been stable for a few years, but I have been spending a few hours here and there, but lately I have been unable to dedicate any time.
Here are the repositories and modules I maintain. Feel free to contact me if you have any issues or questions with them:
Module | Repository | Description |
koa | koajs/koa | Koa JS framework |
koa-compose | koajs/compose | Middleware execution |
koa-compress | koajs/compress | Compression middleware |
koa-mount | koajs/mount | Mount middleware on a prefix |
koa-path-match | koajs/path-match | Routing middleware |
koa-redis-session-sets | koajs/redis-session-sets | Session middleware |
koa-conditional-get | koajs/conditional-get | Conditional get middleware |
koa-etag | koajs/etag | ETag middleware |
koa-response-time | koajs/response-time | Response time middleware |
koa-ctx-cache-control | koajs/ctx-cache-control | Augment Koa with ctx.cacheControl(maxAge) |
koa-ctx-basic-auth | koajs/ctx-basic-auth | Augments Koa with ctx.basicAuth |
koa-favicon | koajs/favicon | Favicon middleware |
koa-json | koajs/json | Pretty-printed JSON response middleware |
koa-body-parsers | koajs/body-parsers | Collection of body parsers |
koa-static | koajs/static | Static file server middleware |
Other Koa libraries I recommend:
Module | Respository | Description |
concurrency-logger | PabloSichert/concurrency-logger | Concurrently log requests |
If you are interested in contributing to Koa, please let me know!